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with mixed reality technologies

with mixed reality technologies

impress costumers and

impress customers and

train employees more efficiently

train employees more efficiently

We merge creativity with technology. As an all-in-one production studio, we create digital applications for VR headsets, smartphones, and PCs. Our focus lies on the creation of virtual trainings and product visualisations for marketing purposes. Storytelling and a good user experience lie at the heart of these.

With mixed reality technologies

impress customers and

Train employees more efficiently

With mixed reality technologies

impress customers and

Train employees more efficiently

We merge creativity with technology. As an all-in-one production studio, we craft digital applications for VR headsets, smartphones, and PCs. Our focus lies in virtual training and marketing product visualizations. Storytelling and user experience are paramount to us.


Your Advantages

 3D icon of a tick box

Attract more customers through creative & innovative marketing

3D Icon of a tick box

Train employees more cost-effectively and efficiently

3D tick box icon

Save time, space and money when presenting products

modern background with 3D blocks

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Training

The future of safety training

Designing challenging training sessions to be engaging and efficient: Using realistic simulations, employees can experience dangerous scenarios without risk and enhance their responsiveness. Interaction fosters memorable learning experiences. With cost-effectiveness and individual customization, AR and VR training sessions promote increased engagement among employees and enhance safety culture within the company. Invest in the safety and skills of your workforce today.

modern background with 3D blocks

Benefits of Spatial Computing Solutions for Education & Training


stronger connection to learned content than in traditional training


3D Icon of a rubbish bin

material wear

3D icon of a group of people

training staff

3D euro sign

longterm costs

3D icon of an eye




more time efficient than traditional training

simulate worst case scenarios

3D icon of a lightning bolt
3D location icon


3D icon of a clock



more self-confidence than through traditional training

personal feedback

through data analysis

3D exclamation mark

minimize errors


stronger connection to learned content than in traditional training

personal feedback

through data analysis

3D exclamation mark

Minimize errors


more self-confidence than through traditional training

3D icon of an eye




3D rubbish bin icon

Material wear

3D icon of a group of people

Training staff

3D euro sign

long-term costs


more time efficient than traditional training

simulate worst case scenario

3D Icon of lightning
3D location icon


3D clock icon


Innovative Product Presentation

for Impressive Marketing

Interactive three-dimensional product explanations

Presenting complex products and concepts in an engaging and easily understandable manner. We create realistic digital models of your products that customers and employees can explore virtually. Through detailed 3D visualizations, you can vividly showcase features and benefits, persuade customers, and make internal training more impressive. Invest in the future of your product communication through high-quality, interactive 3D visualizations. Optimizable for all devices.

Innovative product presentation
for impressive marketing

Interactive Product Explanation

Presenting complex products and concepts in an engaging and easily understandable manner. We create realistic digital models of your products that customers and employees can explore virtually. Through detailed 3D visualisations, you can vividly showcase the features and benefits of your products, persuade customers, and make internal training more impressive. Invest in the future of your product communication through high-quality, interactive 3D visualisations. Optimizable for all devices.

modern background with 3D blocks

Advantages of XR solutions in marketing

Isometric representation of technical devices: a VR headset, a PC screen and a mobile phone


3D icon of an eye


3D representation of a knotted rope

Making the complex

3D representation of a neatly rolled rope



less transport, material and stand costs

Up to

3D Icon einer Uhr


3D location icon

location independent

Interaction + Immersion = Memorable Experience

Isometrische Darstellung von technischen Geräten: eine VR Brille, ein PC Bildschirm und ein Handy


3D icon of an icon


3D representation of a knotted rope

Making the complex

3D representation of a neatly rolled rope


Up to


less transport, material and stand costs

Interaction + Immersion = Memorable

3D location icon

location independent

3D icon of a clock


Further Services

3D icon of a clapperboard


  • Product trailers

  • Image films

  • Explanatory videos

3D writing icon


  • SEO texts

  • Translations (German, English, French)

  • Proofreading

3D photo icon


  • Logos

  • Social Media Templates

  • Marketing Graphics

3D Icon of a speech bubble


  • UX design (also in VR)

  • Use of immersive technologies

  • Conception

Our Partners

Project Workflow Example

Two people at a table, abstract 3D look

Getting to know each other

Here, we get to know your concerns, goals, and desires, and discuss potential solutions using digital applications (whether VR, AR, or traditional PC or mobile applications).

A person is painting a gear on a screen, abstract 3D look


Now we create a first prototype with the basic functionalities of the concept to test it.

A person sits at a table in front of a screen, abstract 3D look


Based on the user test results, the current project status will be revised and further developed step by step.

Two people with party hat and balloon, abstract 3D look

Time To Shine

Time to enjoy the benefits of the new application and revel in successes.

a person with a light bulb on a gear, abstract 3D look


During the next step we create the concept for a possible solution. Here, too, we stay in close contact to avoid misunderstandings.

A person in front of a checked to-do list, abstract 3D look


Through user testing we can identify problems early and thus prevent unnecessary expenses.

One person hands a package to another, abstract 3D look


Once the final version is ready and everyone is satisfied, we proceed with project hand-over.

Two people arm in arm, abstract 3D look


If program versions need to be enhanced due to new hardware or other changes, please feel free to reach out to us again. Since we developed the application ourselves, we can quickly find cost-effective solutions.

Two people at a table, abstract 3D look

Getting to know each other

Here, we get to know your concerns, goals, and desires, and discuss potential solutions using digital applications (whether VR, AR, or traditional PC or mobile applications)

a person is painting a gear on a screen, abstract 3D look


Now we create a first prototype with the basic functionalities of the concept to test it.

A person sits at a table in front of a screen, abstract 3D look


Based on the user test results, we revise the current project status and develop it further step by step.

Two people with party hat and balloon, abstract 3D look

Time to Shine

Time to enjoy the benefits of the new application and revel in successes.

a person with a light bulb on a gear, abstract 3D look


I the next step we delve deeper into conceptualizing a possible solution. Here, too, we'll stay in close contact to avoid any misunderstandings.

A person in front of a checked to-do list, abstract 3D look


Through user testing we can identify problems early and thus prevent unnecessary expenses.

One person hands a package to another, abstract 3D look


Once the final version is ready and everyone is happy, the project is handed over.

Two people arm in arm, abstract 3D look


If program versions need to be improved due to new hardware or other changes, feel free to reach out to us again. Since we created the application ourselves, we can quickly find cost-effective solutions.


About us

We specialize in creative and technical media production. With our diverse professional backgrounds, we and our network cover a wide range of tasks. We are capable of viewing results from various perspectives, optimizing them to meet your needs.

Profile picture of a smiling young woman wearing a white top.

Oriane Joublin

As the creative mind, Oriane is responsible for the areas of storytelling, design and user experience. In addition to her work at Virtuapixel, she publishes young adult books under the pseudonym Joe Rain and supports authors with marketing.


LinkedIn Icon
Profile picture of a smiling young man wearing a dark blue shirt.

Kai-Jonas Bock


Jonas is mainly responsible for the technical aspects of a project within our team. His development of a VR trainer for surgeons at Furtwangen University was awarded the Aesculap-Prize in 2023.

LinkedIn Icon

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is AR?
    AR stands for Augmented Reality. It is a technology that integrates digital information such as graphics, text or 3D models into the real world. This happens in real time through the use of computer technology, sensors and cameras. AR therefore expands the physical world with digital elements.
  • What is VR?
    VR stands for Virtual Reality. It is a computer-generated environment that allows users to immerse themselves in an artificial world using special VR glasses or headsets. In virtual reality, users can interact with this artificial environment and often perceive it as real, even though it is purely digital. This is achieved by integrating 3D graphics, audio and other sensory elements that create the illusion of an all-surrounding virtual environment.
  • How do AR, VR, MR and XR differ?
    AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), MR (Mixed Reality) and XR (Extended Reality) are terms that describe different reality experiences. They represent different levels of fusion between digital and real worlds, with each term covering specific technologies and application areas. Augmented Reality (AR): AR augments the real world with digital information and objects. Users continue to see the physical environment while digital elements are projected onto it. An example of AR is the display of information via a smartphone that uses the camera to display additional data about the environment. Mixed Reality (MR): MR combines real and virtual elements by integrating digital objects into the physical environment while enabling interaction with them. Users can see and interact with both the real world and virtual objects. MR creates a seamless fusion of real and virtual elements, resulting in an enhanced, interactive experience. Virtual Reality (VR): VR creates a completely artificial, virtual environment. Users are fully immersed in this virtual world and have no direct view of the real environment. VR is made possible by special glasses or headsets that focus the user’s senses on the digital environment. Extended Reality (XR): XR is an umbrella term that includes AR, VR and MR. It refers to all technologies that augment reality with digital elements (AR), replace it completely (VR) or enable both at the same time (MR).
  • How much does a VR or AR application cost?
    The costs for developing VR or AR applications vary greatly depending on complexity, platform, functionality and graphics quality. Simpler applications that contain less interaction and use existing 3D models can range from a few thousand to tens of thousands of euros. For more sophisticated AR applications with special hardware or more interactive, immersive VR experiences with multiplayer functionality, the costs can be several tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of euros. The exact cost estimate depends on the specific requirements. Feel free to contact us for a non-binding offer.
  • What is spatial computing?
    Spatial computing is the technology that enables computers to understand, process, and interact with the physical world and its environment. It combines elements of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) to enable seamless integration of digital information and objects into the real world. Spatial computing allows users to experience and interact with digital content in their real-world environment, creating new opportunities for applications in areas such as gaming, education, medicine, industry, and design.
  • What does immersive mean?
    Immersive means to be completely immersed or absorbed in something. In the context of technology, immersive refers to immersing users in a virtual or augmented environment where they feel as if they were really there. The term is used especially in reference to virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). These technologies create an immersive experience by engaging users' senses and transporting them into an artificial reality, be it through visual, auditory or haptic stimuli.


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